H44.0 should not be used for reimbursement purposes as there are multiple sub-diagnoses that fall under this code. Please refer to the sub-diagnoses below.
Related Diagnoses H44.00 Unspecified purulent endophthalmitis H44.001 Unspecified purulent endophthalmitis, right eye H44.002 Unspecified purulent endophthalmitis, left eye H44.003 Unspecified purulent endophthalmitis, bilateral H44.009 Unspecified purulent endophthalmitis, unspecified eye H44.011 Panophthalmitis (acute), right eye H44.012 Panophthalmitis (acute), left eye H44.013 Panophthalmitis (acute), bilateral H44.019 Panophthalmitis (acute), unspecified eye H44.02 Vitreous abscess (chronic) H44.021 Vitreous abscess (chronic), right eye H44.022 Vitreous abscess (chronic), left eye H44.023 Vitreous abscess (chronic), bilateral H44.029 Vitreous abscess (chronic), unspecified eye